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Executing MySQL Functions via SQL Server Queries Using Linked Server and JDBC

Executing MySQL Functions via SQL Server Queries Using Linked Server and JDBC

When you're working with both SQL Server and MySQL databases, there will be times when you need to execute MySQL functions from SQL Server. Fortunately, SQL Server’s OPENQUERY allows you to query MySQL databases through a linked server. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to set this up and run a MySQL function within SQL Server via JDBC, making integration seamless for your applications.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

In large systems, handling multiple databases from different providers is often necessary. One common use case is querying and executing MySQL functions via SQL Server using a linked server. This method not only provides flexibility but also reduces the need for complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. Using OPENQUERY allows you to run MySQL functions or queries as if they were local SQL Server tables.

2. Setting Up a Linked Server for MySQL in SQL Server

Before we execute any MySQL functions via SQL Server, we need to set up a linked server.

Steps to Create a Linked Server:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. Navigate to Object Explorer → Server Objects → Linked Servers → New Linked Server.
  3. Configure the linked server:
    • Linked Server: Give your server a name (e.g., MYSQL_LINK).
    • Provider: Choose Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.
    • Data Source: Enter the ODBC DSN for your MySQL server or provide the MySQL connection string.
    • Security: Choose how SQL Server will authenticate with the MySQL server.
  4. Test the connection.

Now you have a MySQL linked server ready to use within your SQL Server queries.

3. Executing MySQL Functions Using OPENQUERY

Once the linked server is set up, you can execute MySQL functions from SQL Server using OPENQUERY.

Example Query

Let’s say we have a MySQL function get_product_price that returns the price of a product by its ID. To call this function from SQL Server using OPENQUERY, the query would look like this:

FROM OPENQUERY(MYSQL_LINK, 'SELECT get_product_price(1001) AS product_price');

This query retrieves the price of the product with ID 1001 from the MySQL database.

Query with Join

You can also join MySQL data with SQL Server data. Here’s an example where we join a SQL Server table with a MySQL table to get a product’s price along with its sales data from SQL Server:

SELECT sales.order_id, sales.product_id, mysql_data.product_price
FROM sales
INNER JOIN OPENQUERY(MYSQL_LINK, 'SELECT product_id, get_product_price(product_id) AS product_price FROM products') AS mysql_data
ON sales.product_id = mysql_data.product_id;

4. JDBC Code for Integrating SQL Server and MySQL

Now that we've established how to query MySQL from SQL Server, the next step is integrating this functionality into a Java application using JDBC. Below is an example that connects to SQL Server and runs the OPENQUERY statement via JDBC.

Sample JDBC Code

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public class SqlServerMySqlQuery {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sqlServerUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=yourDatabase";
        String sqlServerUser = "yourUsername";
        String sqlServerPassword = "yourPassword";

        String query = "SELECT sales.order_id, sales.product_id, mysql_data.product_price "
                     + "FROM sales "
                     + "INNER JOIN OPENQUERY(MYSQL_LINK, 'SELECT product_id, get_product_price(product_id) AS product_price FROM products') AS mysql_data "
                     + "ON sales.product_id = mysql_data.product_id";

        try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sqlServerUrl, sqlServerUser, sqlServerPassword);
             PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
             ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery()) {

            while ( {
                System.out.println("Order ID: " + rs.getString("order_id"));
                System.out.println("Product ID: " + rs.getString("product_id"));
                System.out.println("Product Price: " + rs.getDouble("product_price"));

        } catch (SQLException e) {

5. Key Considerations

  • Security: Ensure that your linked server configuration uses secure credentials and permissions, especially when dealing with production databases.
  • Network Latency: Since you're querying two separate databases, expect some level of network latency. Optimize your queries by minimizing data transferred between the databases.
  • Error Handling: Ensure robust error handling in your JDBC code to manage potential failures or timeouts when querying across databases.

6. Performance Optimization

When working with large datasets, performance can become an issue. Below are some tips to optimize your queries:

  • Limit Data in OPENQUERY: Avoid retrieving unnecessary data from MySQL by using WHERE clauses in your OPENQUERY queries.
  • Indexing: Ensure both SQL Server and MySQL tables are properly indexed on the columns used for joining or filtering.
  • Caching: Cache frequently accessed data to reduce repeated database calls.

7. Conclusion

Integrating MySQL with SQL Server using a linked server and JDBC is an efficient way to query across databases. With OPENQUERY, you can execute MySQL functions and seamlessly join data from both databases. Proper setup and query optimization will ensure smooth performance even when dealing with large datasets.

Database and Server Integration

By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily integrate MySQL with SQL Server and execute complex queries using functions stored in MySQL.


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