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Showing posts with the label Coding

Understanding JavaScript Promises: A Guide for Developers

Understanding JavaScript Promises: A Guide for Developers Hey there, fellow developers! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of JavaScript Promises. If you've ever been puzzled by how to handle asynchronous operations or tired of callback hell, this guide is for you. We'll cover the basics, how to use Promises effectively, and common pitfalls to watch out for. Let's get started! What is a Promise? In simple terms, a Promise is like a promise in real life. It's something that will either be fulfilled or rejected in the future. In JavaScript, a Promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. It has three states: Pending: The operation hasn't completed yet. Fulfilled: The operation was successful. Rejected: The operation failed.

How To Make Jquery Ajax Call

Beginner's Guide to AJAX Calls in JavaScript Welcome to my first blog post! When I started working on web development, I needed to call a web service in an HTML page to display data. After searching for examples online, I couldn't find a simple, beginner-friendly guide to get started with AJAX. So, I created one myself. I hope this helps you as well! Making an AJAX Call Here's a straightforward example of an AJAX call using jQuery: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "test.htm", data: "param1=value1&param2=value2", success: function() { // Code to execute after the AJAX call succeeds }, error: function() { // Code to execute after the AJAX call fails } }); Understanding the AJAX Call Let's break down the code: type: