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How to Copy files to remote server using Ant Build

While working on one of the project, I was tired of copying the files manually to remote server using SFTP tools. I was wondering if Ant Builder is able to copy the files from one directory to other, it should also be able to copy to remote server. After googling a bit, I found a bunch of answers, suggestions and finally, it worked for me. The files from my local machine are now getting copied to remote server with Ant Build. I just build my project in Eclipse and files get pushed to the server. The only thing I need to do is; refresh the web page as the server development became the local development for me now. Below are the step-wise instructions to Copy files to remote server using Ant Build: Download jsch.jar 0.1.55 jar. Add jsch.jar 0.1.55 jar to C:\eclipse_folder_path\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.10.8.v20200515-1239\lib folder. Go into the Eclipse Preferences, in the Ant/Runtime entry, in the 'Classpath' tab. Use the button 'Add External Jars' to add your jsch.jar to